Sherwood 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Sherwood 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update

Like all cities in Oregon, we must plan for current and future generations. We know that communities that plan for growth have the best chance of managing their destiny in a way that retains the qualities that brought us here in the first place: our small-town character, forests and farms, excellent schools, thriving businesses, and parks, and public spaces.

Sherwood has changed dramatically over the last thirty years, yet the community vibrancy and small-town character have endured. In 1990, the year of the City’s last Comprehensive Plan update, Sherwood was home to only 3,000 residents. Today, the City has more than 20,000 residents. The City has also doubled in physical size and is witnessing a change in the demographics of its population. Because of the dramatic growth, the last Comprehensive Plan no longer represents the vision and values of the current Sherwood residents and its business community.

The City has worked alongside community members to update the outdated 1990 Comprehensive Plan during the last three years. The Comprehensive Plan is a planning document that directs all activities related to land use and the future of natural and man-made systems and services in Sherwood over the next 20 years. The Comprehensive Plan helps manage expected population and employment growth through a set of goals and policies that align with the community’s vision

The draft Comprehensive Plan is organized around these six theme areas.

  1. Thriving and Diversified Economy
  2. Strong  Community, Culture, and Heritage
  3. Strategic and Collaborative Government
  4. Attractive and Attainable Housing
  5. Coordinated and Connected Infrastructure
  6. Healthy and Valued Ecosystem

Over the course of two years, the community, City staff, a Community Advisory Committee (CAC), a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), and Project Advisory Committee (PAT) engaged in learning and discussion around trends, opportunities, challenges, and key policy considerations.

Background information, data, and technical analyses related to the topics were compiled and reviewed for each theme area to understand current conditions and trends. Then, key policy questions were identified and discussed through a combination of surveys, focus groups, and booths at Sherwood events with community members, touching hundreds of community members over the 24-month process. Below is a list of all background information for each theme area that was prepared, reviewed and considered by the Community Advisory Committee, Technical Advisory Committee, Project Advisory Committee, Planning Commission and City Council when developing policy language. 

The Sherwood Planning Commission will hold the first public hearing to recommend the Comprehensive Plan to City Council on October 26, 2021 at 7:00 PM.   Please see the public notice below to submit your comments on the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan.