Tonquin Employment Area (TEA)

Tonquin Employment Area

The City Council adopted the final concept plan for the Tonquin Employment Area on October 5, 2010.  The approved concept plan can be found by clicking the links below.  Properties within the Tonquin Employment Area may now be annexed into the City of Sherwood.  Upon annexation, the properties will be zoned Employment Industrial (EI).

Questions? Contact Planning Staff at 503.925.2308. 

The Tonquin Employment Area (TEA) was brought into the Urban Growth Boundary by Metro in 2004 and the City of Sherwood completed a concept plan for the area in 2010. The City of Sherwood strongly supports the development of this area consistent with the TEA vision of offices and industry supporting high tech manufacturing and traded sector jobs. While this area is not yet in the City of Sherwood, in 2013, residents of Sherwood voted to support annexation when property owners choose to submit requests to the City Council.