Land Division -Planning Review Process

The Planning Department is the first stop. Planning looks at the whole site and coordinates with the appropriate departments and agencies to ensure the site can be developed as planned.

To get started, submit an application with all required submittal elements. It will take up to 30 days for the initial review to determine if all necessary information has been submitted.

Once all required information has been submitted, staff will deem the application complete and schedule the review. The typical review period is approximately 6-8 weeks from when your application is deemed complete. The decision will be  approval, denial, or approval with conditions.

If the proposal is approved, or approved with conditions, the Notice of Decision will outline specific conditions that must be met at specific stages:
1) Grading
2) Issuance of Engineer Plans
3) Final Plat approval
4) Recording the approved Plat
5) Submittal of Building permits
6) Issuance of Building permits