Sherwood West Preliminary Concept Plan Approved

The Sherwood West Preliminary Concept Plan was developed as a long-range planning tool to help guide future community discussions and decisions about how our community could grow over the next 50 years. The Plan illustrates how the Sherwood West area, Metro’s Urban Reserve Area 5b, could be incorporated into the fabric of the City over time in a manner that respects and reflects the strong sense of community and livable neighborhoods. By thinking about where best to build housing, where to protect farmland and where to build or expand roads and utilities today, we hope to keep Sherwood a safe, thriving and healthy community tomorrow.

The plan will not place any interim or future zoning designations on any of the properties. The conditions within the area will remain the same until each phase is brought into the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).  It includes a phasing plan, a comprehensive look at the costs associated with extending existing utilities into the area, and an action plan for moving forward (i.e. Comprehensive Plan Update, coordination with partner agencies on timing and improvements within the area).  Zoning and Comprehensive Plan designations will be placed upon the properties when refinement plans are completed after smaller areas are brought into the UGB.  

Click below to view the Sherwood West Preliminary Concept Plan. 

The Planning Commission held a  public hearing of the draft plan on January 12, 2016 and voted to forward a recommendation to the City Council to accept the plan.  The City Council approved the plan at the hearing on February 16, 2016.  The plan will be used as a tool to inform council members and staff regarding future annexations of the area.