Willamette River Fish and You


As a condition of Sherwood’s permit to use the Willamette River, the City must inform water customers that...

  1. The Willamette River is home to fish species listed as threatened or endangered by federal and state agencies
  2. These agencies have established flow targets for maintaining these fish species - see graph below
  3. Water customers can help to conserve water

What are the Willamette River’s Listed Fish Species?

Listed fish species, all threatened:

  • Winter Steelhead trout
  • Spring Chinook salmon
  • Coho salmon
  • Bull trout
  • Oregon chub

Other native fish species include:

  • Pacific lamprey
  • Northern pike minnow
  • Mountain whitefish
  • Redside shiners

What can you do to conserve water?

The most gains in water conservation in April and May will likely be found indoors. Examples of indoor water conservation measures:

  • Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators
  • Take shorter showers
  • Check for toilet and faucet leaks
  • Install water efficient appliances, only run washing machines and dishwashers when full
  • Turn off the faucet while shaving and brushing teeth

Many of the above items are available for FREE at the Utility Billing Department.  For more details on water conservation visit the Regional Water Providers Coalition website www.conserveh2o.org

While water conservation is important year-round, it is especially important when fish flow targets are not being met.

Water Conservation

Thank you for your interest in conserving water!

For more details and interactive family activities about water conservation visit the Regional Water Providers Coalition website www.conserveh2o.org

City of Sherwood offers a variety of FREE items to help you use less water in your home: