Low Income/Hardship Assistance

The City of Sherwood is now offering financial assistance to qualifying utility customers. Funding is limited and assistance is available on a first come, first serve basis. Customers are eligible to receive assistance up to one time per year. Qualifying customers will receive a credit for two months’ worth of City of Sherwood base charges, and one additional water base charge – this credit is approximately $115.

 Please read carefully the guidelines below to see if you are potential candidate.

  • You have a utility bill issued by the City of Sherwood (COS).
  • You are a COS residential customer who is billed for water, sewer, street, and surface water management services.
  • You have been an active COS utility billing customer at the same address for at least four months.
  • You meet the income guidelines in the following table:


Income Guidelines for Oregon (Program Year 2022)
60% of State Median income by Household Size
for use in Federal Fiscal Year 2022
Estimated State Median by Household Size - Source HHS

Size of
Family Unit
Annual Income
60% of Median
Monthly Income
60% of Median
1 $29,334 $2,445.33
2 $38,373 $3,197.75
3 $47,402 $3,950.17
4 $56,430 $4,702.50
5 $65,459 $5,454.92
6 $74,488 $6,207.33
7 $76,181 $6,348.42
8 $77,874 $6,489.42
9 $79,567 $6,630.58
10 $81,260 $6,771.67
11 $82,953 $6,912.75
12 $84,645 $7,053.75
Each additional member $1,692 $141.00


If you do NOT meet the income guidelines above, but are going through some type of hardship that has made it difficult to pay your bill (e.g. unexpected medical expenses, divorce, a deceased family member, natural disaster, etc.) you may also quality for the credit.

Does the criteria above describe you?  If so, please call 503.925.2315 for more information about how to apply.