Current Service Rates

New rates for the Fiscal Year of 2023/24 took effect on July 1st, 2023.  Please refer to the chart below, which details the individual rates for each service.  Most residential accounts will adhere to these rates.  Commercial and Irrigation accounts can refer to the Fee Schedule Section 6 adopted for this fiscal year.

If you have questions or comments please call the Utility Billing Department at 503.925.2315.


For a complete listing of all possible charges for Residential and Commercial customers please refer to the Fee Schedule link below.

Line Item Residential Commercial
Water Meter Base $ 22.84 Call for Details
Water Consumption $ 0.62 per cgal. tiered $ 0.71 per cgal. fixed
Sewer Base - COS $ 5.95 $ 6.85 per EDU
Sewer Base - CWS $ 28.38 $ 28.38 per EDU
Sewer Base - Right of Way Fee-CWS $ 1.42 $ 1.42 per EDU
Sewer Consumption - COS $ 0.37 per CCF $ 0.42 per CCF
Sewer Consumption - CWS $ 1.88 per CCF $ 1.88 per CCF
Sewer Consumption - Right of Way Fee-CWS $ 0.09 per CCF $ 0.09 per CCF
Storm Water Mgmt. - COS $15.55 $ 15.55 per ESU
Storm Water Mgmt. - CWS $ 2.63 $ 2.63 per ESU
Storm Water Mgmt. - Right of Way Fee-CWS $ 0.13 $ 0.13 per ESU
Street Maintenance Fee $ 2.28 $ 2.28 per ESU
Street Light Fee $ 2.66 $ 0.75 per ESU
Sidewalk Repairs Fee $ 0.59 $ 0.19 per ESU
Safe Sidewalks Fee $ 0.78 no charges


1 cgal. = 100 gallons
1 CCF = 748 gallons
1 EDU (equivalent dwelling unit) = 16 fixture units
1 ESU (equivalent surface unit) = 2640 sq. ft.
COS = City of Sherwood
CWS = Clean Water Services


Rates & Fees

The City of Sherwood Rates & Fees Schedule is an adopted schedule of rates & fees for the City of Sherwood, as authorized by the city zoning and community development code.  All rates and fees related to the City of Sherwood are compiled in this document and it is periodically amended by City Council resolution to reflect any approved changes in fees for miscellaneous city services.

Current and prior year Rates & Fees Schedule documents adopted by City Council resolution are available below.